Tips to Lower Your Water Bill in Summer

Published On: May 11, 2023Categories: Tips

As the temperature rises and summer activities kick into full gear, it’s easy to see an uptick in water usage. However, the spike in water consumption can quickly translate to high utility bills, causing a strain on your budget. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll share easy and effective tips for reducing your water usage and keeping your utility bills in check this summer.

Fix All Leaks

The number one way you can lower your water bill and conserve water is by locating and repairing any household leaks. From a dripping bathroom faucet to a faulty hose connection at an outside spigot, a few drops can add up to a lot when you leave your leak unattended. Leaks can also be hidden but cause major damage to your home. Have an inspection performed by a trusted plumbing company such as Atherton Plumbing. We’ll find and stop your leaks instantly saving you money on your water bill.

Take Shorter Showers

A cold shower on a hot summer day is bliss. But long showers wreak havoc on your water bill. If you want to reduce water usage and cost, cut your showers down by a couple of minutes. Set up a playlist of just two songs totaling about 5-6 minutes and finish your shower when you hear the music stop. Also, try turning off the water while you shave or wait for your conditioner to soak in. You’ll see the differences in your water bill soon enough.

Wash Only Full Loads

When it comes to your washing machine and dishwasher, it’s better to wait for a full load than a smaller load if you want to start saving money. A single load in the washing machine can use up to 45 gallons of water (in a traditional machine). A single load in the dishwasher uses about six gallons. By washing clothes and dishes less often and only washing full loads, you can reduce water usage and save money on your water bill.

Consider New Appliances

Your appliances may use more water than you imagine. But lowering your water bill is easy when you switch to WaterSense and EnergyStar rated appliances and fixtures. A smart-flush toilet can save up to 25 gallons per day in a family household. Water-efficient washing machines can use as little as five gallons per load. A new showerhead could reduce consumption by over 12% with no noticeable flow difference. You can make a massive impact on your water bill when you switch out your appliances and fixtures with the help of Atherton Plumbing. 

Perform Manual Lawn Care

It’s easy enough to just set the sprinkler on and forget it, but this often results in water waste and a high utility bill. Be judicious with when you water your lawn. Do it by hand, not with an automatic system. If the kids want to play in the sprinkler, set it in the part of your yard that needs watering the most, so it can do double duty. Be smart with your landscaping and choose plants that grow in drier conditions.

By implementing the simple tips and tricks outlined in this article, you can make a significant difference in your water consumption and save money while doing so. By being mindful of your water usage, fixing leaks, using efficient appliances, and making small changes to your daily routines, you can take control of your water bills and enjoy a more budget-friendly summer season.

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