Drain Clearing Vs Drain Cleaning; Understand the difference for your Plumbing and your wallet

Published On: May 11, 2023Categories: Drain & Clogs

Dealing with a clogged drain can be a frustrating experience for any homeowner. However, leaving it unaddressed can lead to more significant problems in your plumbing system. Slow drains, leaks, and odors are just a few of the symptoms that could signal a bigger issue. Ignoring a clogged drain can result in costly repairs and potential damage to your home. As a homeowner, your priority is to get the muck removed and have your drains flowing freely again. In this blog post, we’ll explore some solutions to clean your clogged drain and prevent future issues.

When it’s time to call in a plumbing professional for your drain service, the terms they use to describe their drain work may be confusing and sometimes misinterpreted. The terms, drain ‘service’, drain ‘clearing’, or drain ‘opening’ are used loosely by some plumbing companies. You may notice they advertise a discounted rate up-front to ‘open’, ‘clear’ or ‘service’ your drains, so it’s important to understand exactly what you will be getting, or more importantly, NOT getting.

Drain Services (aka drain opening, drain clearing)

During this process, a plumbing snake is inserted to target the obstructed area. A puncture is made in the blockage permitting the drainage to flow through it. The drain is opened just enough to temporarily restore water flow, but clogs will likely reoccur since your drain still has remnants of the previous clog adhering to the insides of the pipes. This is the least expensive, but less effective process over the long term.

Drain Cleaning

The drain cleaning method is the most effective way to dislodge clogs, as it thoroughly flushes out all obstructions, including tree roots from your pipes.  In most cases, the obstruction is clearly identified by utilizing a fiber-optic video camera inserted down the drain allowing drain specialists to see real-time imagery of the blockage. A drain jetting machine creates the high-powered water pressure necessary to fully clean and remove sludge from the pipes. If tree roots are the problem, a cutter blade /cabling system tool sweeps the entire drain of ALL remaining debris.

What is the best choice for you?

It really comes down to each homeowner. If you feel that a simple drain open/clearing will suffice, that is your choice. If you truly want to ensure that your drain is cleared and cleaned of all debris, you may want to spend a little extra for thorough results.

The pros at Atherton Plumbing encourage a proactive approach to keeping drains clean and pipes running freely.  Better Care. Better Value. Better Results. Call the plumbing and drain experts at Atherton Plumbing today to avoid big problems in the future

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