Summer Plumbing Tips

Published On: May 11, 2023Categories: Plumbing

The summer season can put a lot of pressure on your plumbing system without you even noticing. With more showers and baths, summer storms, and garden watering, your plumbing has to work harder than ever before. To ensure your plumbing remains in excellent working condition, we’ve compiled some summer plumbing tips to help you keep your system running smoothly.

Look for excess water in your yard and areas with unusual plant or grass growth

This may indicate a damaged sewer line, and, even worse, the standing water in your yard may contain household waste.  Schedule an appointment with a plumber to perform a video inspection of your sewer line.  This will reveal any damage, cracks, or breaks in the line.

Inspect your washing machine

With your family participating in more outdoor fun in the summer, you’re bound to be doing more laundry.  Check your washing machine hoses for leaks or cracks, and clean your dryer lint trap after every load.

Be kind to your garbage disposal

Summer is a time for cookouts and family fun, but be careful what you put down your garbage disposal.  Garbage disposals are not made to handle fibrous, stringy foods, or oils and fats.  Some no-no’s include cooking oil and grease, banana peels, celery, corn husks, pasta, rice, egg shells, and any instant mixes (such as instant potatoes).

Use your dishwasher instead of hand-washing dishes

Using your dishwasher uses less water than hand washing your dishes.  Also, check your dishwasher connections to make sure they are tight and leak-free.

Check your sump pump

Be prepared for strong summer storms.  If you have a sump pump, inspect it to make sure it’s in top condition.

Check drain spouts and gutters

Make sure your drain spouts and gutters are clean and free of debris.

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